Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bleh (Edit: Woot Loretta)

Yesterday I waited around for what seems like the whole day to put an EPT Step-6 SNG ticket into play - trying to win a seat into EPT Budapest. Stars is kind enough to dish out deepstacks for these but personally I don't think it matters. People pretty much only play monsters for the first hour and then it becomes a shove-fest for the second. To be honest, skill seems to quickly take a back seat for these which is why I doubt I'll venture into them again.

The top 2 won a seat and I came in 3rd so naturally, I was pretty happy about that.

I did, however, somehow finagle $900 for it which I quickly put all into play at a 5/10 PLO table and a 3/6 NL O8 table. I managed to build that up which helped me fall asleep but I'm still a little bitter today.

This weekend I'll be playing a good amount, including the $800 EPT Qualifier along with most, if not all, of the big Sunday Tourneys. Here's to hoping I have something worthwhile to write about in the coming days. Hope to see some of you at the tables.

Enjoy your weekend...

And a Congrats on the nice run for Loretta on Stars last night, awaiting blog update for details.....

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